{"id":8297,"date":"2019-10-04T01:08:32","date_gmt":"2019-10-04T01:08:32","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=8297"},"modified":"2019-10-04T01:08:32","modified_gmt":"2019-10-04T01:08:32","slug":"lol-worlds-day-4-play-in-predictions-and-group-c-betting-odds","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/lol-worlds-day-4-play-in-predictions-and-group-c-betting-odds\/","title":{"rendered":"LoL Worlds Day 4 play-in predictions and Group C betting odds"},"content":{"rendered":"

Group C of the League of Legends World Championship<\/a> play-in stage produced three highly entertaining fixtures on Thursday, so we can expect more quality clashes when the teams renew hostilities this Saturday.<\/p>\n

Hong Kong Attitude, LowKey Esports and MEGA are locked in a three-way tie, leaving the group delicately poised for the return matches.<\/p>\n

Thursday results:<\/strong>
\nMEGA 0-1 Hong Kong Attitude
\nMEGA 1-0 LowKey Esports
\nHKA 0-1 LowKey Esports<\/p>\n

Hong Kong Attitude vs MEGA<\/h2>\n

Saturday, October 5 – 13:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

Hong Kong Attitude – -303.03<\/strong><\/p>\n

Hong Kong Attitude secured their first win of the Worlds against MEGA in what was a match that could have gone either way.<\/p>\n

In fact, we would even go on to say MEGA were slightly better, considering they had better macro compared to HKA. Despite that, the Hong Kong outfit ended up victorious on that day, but it only really came down to the baron steal in the 34th minute.<\/p>\n

MEGA – +225<\/strong><\/p>\n

As mentioned, we were impressed with MEGA and their performance on Thursday, when they arguably deserved to win.<\/p>\n

MEGA were holding on well against the favourites, and for most of the match even looked like the favourites themselves. And if they didn’t make the mistake of forcing Baron, we can only guess how that fixture would end.<\/p>\n

Prediction: MEGA to win – Best odds at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

We did not trust Hong Kong Attitude before the Worlds started and seeing how they performed against MEGA and LowKey that did not change heading into day four.<\/p>\n

For some reason, HKA are still considered heavy favourites against MEGA and while we would be OK with seeing them as favourites, the offered odds in our eyes overestimate HKA.<\/p>\n

We will gladly back up MEGA at the offered odds, as they do have a legitimate chance of upsetting Hong Kong Attitude.<\/p>\n

LowKey Esports vs MEGA<\/h2>\n

Saturday, October 5 – 15:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

LowKey Esports – -250<\/strong><\/p>\n

LowKey’s first opponent of the day were no other than MEGA, who proved to be a tough nut to crack or at least a much tougher nut than what LowKey expected.<\/p>\n

The match was fairly close from the start, with LowKey holding onto a slight lead, which they managed to turn into a massive 4.7k gold lead at 27th minute.<\/p>\n

However, they failed to utilize what they had and produced a prime example of how to throw the game.<\/p>\n

MEGA – +225<\/strong><\/p>\n

MEGA proved to be a fun team to watch, and we were quite impressed with their mentality in the clash with LowKey, where they refused to give up.<\/p>\n

The LST champions were behind in gold for almost the whole match, however, their determination and good decision making produced a comeback.<\/p>\n

Just like their previous fixture against HKA, this match was decided at the Baron Pit, only this time it was LowKey who got the short end of the stick.<\/p>\n

Prediction: LowKey to win – Best odds at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

MEGA will enter this fixture as underdogs and we can agree with that.<\/p>\n

While they managed to produce an incredible comeback against LowKey in their first fixture, MEGA are overall still a weaker team.<\/p>\n

We could consider backing up MEGA and hope for another upset here, however, we see no point in hoping for an upset in a clash that clearly favours LowKey, who looked very solid for the most part of their clash with MEGA and against HKA.<\/p>\n

LowKey Esports v Hong Kong Attitude<\/h2>\n

Saturday, October 5 – 17:00 CEST<\/em><\/p>\n

LowKey Esports – -120.48<\/strong> <\/p>\n

LowKey played well against Hong Kong Attitude on Thursday, and while it seemed like the match could go either way, the Vietnamese side pushed through and won their first match of the Worlds.<\/p>\n

Just like all of the matches in Group C, even this one was in the end decided in the Baron Pit, where it was LowKey who came out ahead and made the final push to win.<\/p>\n

Hong Kong Attitude – -120.48<\/strong> <\/p>\n

On a few occasions, HKA looked strong against LowKey, but if we draw a line, LowKey deserved to win.<\/p>\n

We can’t underestimate HKA too much in this fixture, as they did look very competitive against both teams on Thursday. That being said, they had their moments of weakness, which makes us doubt their chances to win.<\/p>\n

Prediction: LowKey to win – Best odds at BetOnline<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n

Odds suggest LowKey versus Hong Kong Attitude is a fixture that could go either way, which considering how close the match looked on the paper on Thursday, is a fair assessment.<\/p>\n

That being said, we will side with LowKey, who impressed with their good teamwork and unique draft, which worked wonders.<\/p>\n

MORE LEAGUE OF LEGENDS BETTING<\/a><\/strong><\/center><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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