{"id":4916,"date":"2018-04-11T23:42:15","date_gmt":"2018-04-11T23:42:15","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/?p=4916"},"modified":"2020-10-05T21:59:13","modified_gmt":"2020-10-06T01:59:13","slug":"the-overwatch-league-betting-tips-for-stage-3-week-2-april-12","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/esportbet.com\/the-overwatch-league-betting-tips-for-stage-3-week-2-april-12\/","title":{"rendered":"The Overwatch League – Betting Tips for Stage 3 Week 2, April 12"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Overwatch League has entered week 2 of Stage 3 and there are many matches to be played over the next 3 days. As always, multiple betting opportunities are available but before I start analyzing them, let\u2019s see take a look at the standings table after week 1.<\/p>\n

\nOWL 2018:
ESPORTS BETTING PREDICTIONS<\/a><\/strong> <\/p>\n

Stage 3 standings table<\/h2>\n

1st place: <\/strong>New York Excelsior (2 WINS \u2013 0 LOSSES)
\n2nd place:<\/strong> Los Angeles Valiant (2 WINS \u2013 0 LOSSES)
\n3rd place:<\/strong> Boston Uprising (2 WINS \u2013 0 LOSSES)
\n4th place:<\/strong> Philadelphia Fusion (1 WIN \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n5th place:<\/strong> Los Angeles Gladiators (1 WIN \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n6th place:<\/strong> Dallas Fuel (1 WIN \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n7th place:<\/strong> Seoul Dynasty (1 WIN \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n8th place:<\/strong> San Francisco Shock (1 WIN \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n9th place:<\/strong> Houston Outlaws (1 WIN \u2013 1 LOSS)
\n10th place:<\/strong> London Spitfire (0 WINS \u2013 2 LOSSES)
\n11th place:<\/strong> Florida Mayhem (0 WINS \u2013 2 LOSSES)
\n12th place:<\/strong> Shanghai Dragons (0 WINS \u2013 2 LOSSES)<\/p>\n

Betting predictions for April 12, 2018<\/h2>\n

Boston Uprising (2W \u2013 0L) vs. New York Excelsior (2W \u2013 0L)<\/h3>\n

Boston Uprising had a great start in Stage 3 and won two matches against two strong opponents: Philadelphia Fusion (score 3 \u2013 2) and Houston Outlaws (score 4 \u2013 0). On the other side, New York Excelsior had a similar start, crushing Florida Mayhem (score 4 \u2013 0) and London Spitfire (score 4 \u2013 0), the Stage 1 winner. However, given the fact that New York Excelsior has been the strongest team in OWL overall, and that Boston Uprising has recently lost one of its best players (DreamKazper) due to allegations of sexual misconduct, it is much more likely that the New York team will win this match against Boston Uprising. The head to head record (2 \u2013 0 in favor of New York Excelsior) suggests the same outcome.
\nBovada puts the odds at -1100 \/ +500 or around 1.09 \u2013 6.00 in favor of New York Excelsior, anticipating an easy victory in its faovor.<\/p>\n

Betting prediction:<\/strong> New York Excelsior to win, paying -3333.33 at BetOnline<\/a>.<\/p>\n

London Spitfire (0W \u2013 2L) vs. Florida Mayhem (0W \u2013 2L)<\/h3>\n

Both of these teams messed up in their first week of Stage 3. London Spitfire lost against New York Excelsior (0 \u2013 4) and Houston Outlaws (2 \u2013 3), while Florida Mayhem was defeated by New York Excelsior (0 \u2013 4) and Philadelphia Fusion (1 \u2013 3). Both the head to head record (2 \u2013 0 in favor of London Spitfire) and overall performance throughout the Overwatch League clearly indicate that London Spitfire should win this match with ease.
\nBovada puts the odds at -550 \/ +325 or around 1.18 \u2013 4.25 in favor of London Spitfire, which is amazing considering Spitfire\u2019s chance of winning (around 95%).<\/p>\n

Betting prediction: London Spitfire to win, paying -909.09 at BetOnline<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Philadelphia Fusion (1W \u2013 1L) vs. Houston Outlaws (1W \u2013 1L)<\/h3>\n

Both of these teams had an average start in Stage 3. Philadelphia Fusion lost against Boston Uprising (2 \u2013 3) and won against Florida Mayhem (3 \u2013 1), while Houston Outlaws lost against Boston Uprising (0 \u2013 4) and won against London Spitfire (3 \u2013 2). Based on these results (notice the huge score difference between Philadelphia Fusion\u2019s defeat against Boston Uprising and Houston Outlaw\u2019s), the head to head record (2 \u2013 0 in favor of Philadelphia Fusion), and Philadelphia Fusion\u2019s result in Stage 2 (Playoffs finalist), I think it\u2019s pretty obvious who the favorite is in this match.
\nBovada puts the odds at -275 \/ +180 or around 1.36 \u2013 2.80 in favor of Philadelphia Fusion, allowing you to get an amazing profit while risking little.<\/p>\n

Betting prediction:<\/strong> Philadelphia Fusion to win, paying -357.14 at BetOnline<\/a>.<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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